

A managed service provider (MSP) is an information technology (IT) professional
that assumes responsibility for providing an organization with specific computer
or technology services. These managed services can be provided proactively,
remotely, on-site or as otherwise required.
With an experienced MSP, a company is assured significant cost savings and
revenue improvement, increased worker quality, workforce insight, and greater
regulatory compliance. Therefore, many organizations are employing MSPs to
increase their success rate. Prior to employing a managed service provider for
your business, review the following suggestions that will ensure your decision will
lead to satisfactory results:

1. Availability
Ensure that your MSP is readily available to attend to your needs, whether at
7 PM on a weekday or 11 AM on a Sunday. Computer technology may
require prompt attention at any given moment. Therefore, it is crucial that you
have a MSP who will provide 24 x 7 x 365 availability, with fast and accurate
results. It is paramount that you are assured a rapid response time, thus
becoming your MSP’s most prioritized concern.

2. Daily Backups and Disaster Recovery
Computer hardware can malfunction due to mechanical glitches, malicious
software, and malware, among a number of other reasons. Additionally, your
business may experience a natural disaster or a power outage that may also
result in the loss of information. Therefore, you must ensure that your MSP
engages in proactive monitoring of your IT infrastructure to prevent loss of
valuable company data. In the event of a cataclysm, verify that your MSP
provides automatic and consistent backups which are stored on an off-site
server or facility for safety, especially if your important documents are stored
on your computers. In fact, the most paramount MSP will guarantee data
migration, recovery, and replication in order to ensure that your business
never experiences the detrimental consequences of a technological collapse.

3. Network Security
In order to ensure the confidentiality of your clients and the privacy of your
data, you must be aware of how vital network security is to your business. The
increasing number of Internet users worldwide creates an equal number of
opportunities for cyber criminals to access your systems. Hence, you must
partner with a Managed IT Service Provider that will maintain the integrity of
your IT infrastructure. This can be achieved through ensuring that your MSP
proactively monitors and manages your network, and can offer you services
such as email filtering, whereby spam and viruses will be reduced or
eliminated. An amalgamation of network security should also be available
through association with your MSP, including firewalls, along with intrusion,
threat, virus, and malware detection and removal.

4. Server Maintenance
Ensure that your MSP is willing to regularly maintain your network. An
effective MSP will help you succeed by increasing the reliability of your
systems in a cost-efficient manner. Therefore, in addition to ensuring that your
servers are regularly backed up and your network is secure, your MSP should
also monitor system bottlenecks such as processor or RAM utilization, and
application services, such as Microsoft Exchange. Moreover, your MSP
should be familiar with the most recent updates for installed applications and
ensure that operating system updates are current.

5. Remote Technical Support
Rather than having to wait for a technician to arrive at your establishment, you
should be able to receive assistance from your MSP through the phone, and
more importantly, directly through your computer. Furthermore, if your MSP
can help remotely, your employees can continue tending to their duties
without downtime.

6. Customer-Focused Approach
A MSP essentially becomes an extension of your organization. Therefore, you
must ensure that your MSP is knowledgeable, thereby having the ability to
provide you with a variety of IT services. Furthermore, the most successful
MSP partnerships entail providers who are reputable, with an impressive track
record. Generally, your MSP’s website should include testimonials by other

7. Cost-Effective
Last but certainly not least, conduct a financial analysis before committing to a
MSP. Your provider should accommodate a realistic budget that effectively
aligns with your expenses. Remember that the provider with the highest
prices does not necessarily offer the best service. Rather, search for a MSP
with competitive pricing, while asking why services are more or less
expensive than other MSP providers. Ultimately, costs will rely on factors such
as the size of your company in addition to supplementary resources or custom

The aforementioned suggestions should guide you to make an informed decision
in regard to partnering with the most appropriate and suitable MSP for your
organization. To begin your research, please access the following link in order to
learn more about an MSP provider in accordance with these
recommendations: .

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