Necessity of Traditional Security Companies with the advent of Smart Security Cameras

Necessity of Traditional Security Companies with the advent of Smart Security Cameras

The world around us is changing & everything that can be re-imagined is being re-imagined. Every major industry has been a subject to major trend shifts in the last decade or so, with the advent of revolutionary technology one after the other. The Security industry is no exception; with more & more automation being introduced into every aspect of our day-to-day lives and everything being shifted ‘online’, it was only a matter of time before security cameras for homes with internet access took over the market.

The major features that these cameras offer are:

  1. Local streaming & remote access is guaranteed with any security camera that has access to the internet; monitoring your household from your handheld tablet or android phone is just a single tap away. Software that links the cameras to the app on your phone also provides remote control of the camera from your device, allowing manipulation to view different parts of your coverage area.
  2. FTP & NTP Synchronization
    1. FTP or File Transfer Protocol servers can be used to store images & videos that have been directly uploaded to it by your security camera with internet access. FTP storage is very simple, efficient & extremely cost effective; all you require is a working FTP server.
    2. NTP or Network Time Protocol is a way which ensures that your security camera has accurate clock synchronization (established over the internet). Real-time display efficiency is enhanced through this feature and if a crime does occur, synchronized timestamps on your security camera leave a trail.
  1. Push notifications via emails or directly via the app linked to the camera can provide you with real-time actionable data on what your camera is monitoring. Screenshots of the recordings can also be sent to your handheld device, which can be used as evidence against any perpetrators. Most security cameras nowadays come equipped with motion sensors and these notifications can be customized in a way that they are forwarded when motion is detected in the coverage area during your absence. Automated monitoring is the future of home security.

Along with all the features mentioned above, every security camera today is a night vision cctv camera and is independently manufactured by security companies which are not necessarily linked to a Home Security Contractor. That being the case, they are usually easy to install & can be done hassle-free at home; a Do-It-Yourself Security Camera Kit, if you will. Security contractors whose businesses depend on solely what you can now do yourselves at home are bound to feel threatened since this begs the question, “Do we actually need them anymore?” Unless they undergo a major overhaul and find a way to incorporate these new smart security cameras in their future business models, we will have yet another industry on our hands that is just waiting to be shut down as automation cuts out the middleman.

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