10 Tips for Creating a Popular Online Quiz

10 Tips for Creating a Popular Online Quiz

We strive to create a quiz game that is fun, short, and interesting. Following tips will help you to create an online quiz that will result in more and more users to download quiz game.

  1. Choose your target audience

Before starting the creation of the quiz, you need to decide who your target audience is. Which segment of users you are focusing upon while making the content of the online Quiz Games. This will help you in the selection of the questions and the topics on which the quiz will be made. Like Quizistan targets people of all the age group of India.

  1. Come up with the suitable quiz topics as per your target audience

When you are sorted with your target audience, it becomes easy for you to select the topics that will interest the selected group of audience. We have quizzes on topics like quizzes on GK, Bollywood, Who am I, etc. which attracts the players and they find it interesting and knowledge driven. Quizistan also offers quiz in Hindi to make it more convenient for the audience.

  1. Length of the quiz shouldn’t be too long

A long quiz will bore the player easily .8-10 questions are sufficient for an Online Quiz Games. In Quizistan each quiz includes 8 questions.

  1. Stick to the rule of 3-4 options for each question

Maximum of 4 options for each question is apt. It provides better cohesion in the final results and also makes the management of the quiz better. We provide 4 options for each question in the quizzes.

  1. Position the correct option randomly

Make sure that all the 4 options are randomly arranged in each question. We make it more fun for the players by randomly arranging the correct answer for the quiz questions. There is no set sequence to be guessed by the player.

  1. Make the quiz more involving

Try to put such features that help in making the player more involved with the game. In Quizistan, after every two questions, the current rank of the player is displayed and even after answering a question the wrong player can continue with the quiz.

  1. Too many tricks can lead to loss of users

Questions should not be too much tricky. It will make the player lose interest soon. We make sure to come up with simple and to the point questions that will not waste your time as helps in answering the question in less time and make you win.

  1. One click rule should be followed

Answers of each question should be submitted by just one click. Our app offers a user-friendly one-click mode of submitting the answers, making it quick and hassle-free for the players.

  1. Players must be informed about the benefits

It is very important to make the users informed about what they will get out of the game if they win and also if they do not win. We are giving out real money as the winning prize for the quizzes and also the quiz is helping the users to check their knowledge and learn in a fun way.

  1. Enable sharing on social media

At the end of each quiz, provide the option to the players for sharing their score on social media. We allow users to share their rank after each quiz. This motivates the users and also help in creating more referrals.

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